
The Korea Kung Chung Moo Sul


On the "hard-soft" scale of martial arts, Hapkido stands somewhere in the middle, employing "soft" techniques similar to Aikido and "hard" techniques reminiscent of Taekwondo and Tangsoodo. Even the "hard" techniques, though, emphasize circular rather than linear movements. Hapkido is an eclectic martial art, and different Hapkido schools emphasize different techniques. However, some core techniques are found in each school (kwan), and all techniques should follow the three principles of Hapkido


  • Both anaerobic and aerobic workout, including stretching

  • Self-defense techniques

  • Joint Locks

  • Throwing Techniques

  • Striking

  • Breakfalling

  • Relaxation exercises

  • Exams to progress to the next rank

  • A focus on mental and ethical discipline, justice, etiquette, respect, and self-confidence